Chinese Idiom 24

"学然后知不足" (xué ránhòu zhī bùzú) is a Chinese proverb that translates to "Learn, then you will realize your inadequacy" in English. This proverb encapsulates the idea that true knowledge and wisdom come from learning and self-reflection, leading to an awareness of one's limitations or inadequacies.

The proverb suggests that through the process of learning and acquiring knowledge, individuals become more aware of the vastness of the world and the depth of human understanding. As they deepen their knowledge in a particular field or explore new subjects, they may come to realize how much they still have to learn and how little they truly know in the grand scheme of things.

"学然后知不足" emphasizes the humility and self-awareness that come from intellectual growth and self-improvement. It encourages individuals to approach learning with an open mind, recognizing that there is always more to discover and understand. Rather than feeling discouraged by their inadequacies, individuals are encouraged to embrace them as opportunities for further learning and personal development.

Overall, this proverb serves as a reminder of the endless pursuit of knowledge and the importance of humility in the face of the vastness of human understanding. It encourages individuals to embrace a lifelong journey of learning and self-discovery, continually striving to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world.


Chinese Idiom 25


Chinese Idiom 23