Chinese Idiom 5

"五体投地" (wǔ tǐ tóu dì) is a Chinese idiom that translates to "prostrate oneself in admiration" or "bow down in awe" in English. It is used to describe extreme admiration or reverence for someone or something.

In this idiom, "五体" (wǔ tǐ) refers to the five main parts of the body: the head, two arms, and two legs, while "投地" (tóu dì) means "to throw oneself to the ground" or "to prostrate oneself." Together, they convey the image of someone falling to the ground in deep admiration or reverence.

"五体投地" is often used to express profound respect, admiration, or awe for someone's exceptional qualities, achievements, or virtues. It suggests a level of admiration so intense that one feels compelled to bow down or prostrate oneself before the object of admiration.

Overall, this idiom emphasizes the depth of admiration and respect that can be evoked by someone or something truly remarkable, highlighting the profound impact they can have on others.


Chinese Idiom 6


Chinese Idiom 4