Chinese Idiom 41
"对号入座" (duì hào rù zuò) is a Chinese idiom that translates to "take one's proper seat according to the number" or "sit in the assigned seat" in English. It is often used metaphorically to mean "to face up to one's own faults or responsibilities" or "to accept the consequences of one's actions."
In this idiom, "对号" (duì hào) means "matching the number" or "corresponding to the number," "入座" (rù zuò) means "take one's seat" or "sit down." Together, they convey the idea of acknowledging and accepting one's role or position in a situation, particularly when it involves accepting blame or taking responsibility for one's actions.
"对号入座" is often used in contexts where someone is called out for their mistakes or wrongdoing, and they are expected to own up to their faults or face the consequences. It emphasizes the importance of accountability and integrity, urging individuals to confront their own faults or mistakes rather than avoiding or denying them.
Overall, this idiom underscores the value of honesty, integrity, and accountability in personal and professional relationships. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their actions and to address any issues or problems directly and honestly.