Chinese Idiom 48

Meaning: This idiom translates to "as timid as a mouse." It describes someone who is extremely timid or fearful.

Explanation: The phrase likens a person's level of fear or timidity to that of a mouse, which is known for its cautious and skittish nature.

Usage: "胆小如鼠" is often used to describe individuals who lack courage or confidence, especially in challenging or intimidating situations.

Example: If someone hesitates to speak up in a meeting due to fear of criticism, one might say, "他在会议上胆小如鼠,不敢发言" (tā zài huì yì shàng dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ, bù gǎn fā yán), meaning "He is as timid as a mouse in the meeting, afraid to speak up."


Chinese Idiom 49


Chinese Idiom 47